Tag Archive | Pelvic pain

What If Birth Control Pills Are Really Anti-Fertility Pills? Part I

By Diana Palmentiero

Recently, I was with a former college roommate of mine.  I was telling her about Fertility Wellness Group, LLC and she asked if we had posted an article about endometriosis.  It was something that she suffered from.  I said no and realized that it probably would be a good idea.  Honestly, all I know about endometriosis comes from my friend.

In my friend’s case, she would have horribly, painful cramps (a/k/a pelvic pain) during her menstrual cycles.  Her gynecologist told her to go on the Pill and then her symptoms would magically disappear.  However, my friend was raised as a strict Catholic.  There was no way she was going on the Pill.  What would the nuns from grammar school and high school say?  As a naïve 20-something, I didn’t understand why she didn’t just listen to the doctor.  Who wanted to suffer with those awful cramps?  I remember thinking, “Just take the pill.”

Here is what she told me about her endometriosis.  After she got married and informed her doctor that she and her husband wanted to start trying to have children, he handed her a pamphlet.  This pamphlet was about how endometriosis could cause infertility.   He told her to start trying right away because it could take awhile.  They took his advice and lost no time trying to conceive.  Her first daughter was conceived the 1st month they tried and her 2nd daughter was conceived the 2nd month they tried.  She told me that she believed by not taking the Pill, her fertility was saved.

Yes, this is just one example but what if it is not a coincidence?  What if women who have been told to take the Pill to relieve menstrual cramps, did what my friend did and refused to take the Pill?   What if the doctor spent a little more time trying to figure out why a woman was having such bad pelvic pain?  And, what if, instead of giving a woman a pill to mask the pelvic pain, the doctors tried to find something to help with the problem.  And in fixing the problem, perhaps later there wouldn’t be the bigger “infertility” problem.

Lenore and I have discussed recently, “if we only knew then, what we know now.”   So, now we are trying to come up with ways to educate young women in their childbearing years, but are not ready to be pregnant, on how to prepare their bodies for conception.  One thought has been to educate, educate, educate (okay, that is three but you get the point).  On our Facebook page, we have posted articles on how to prevent infertility and prepare the body for conception.  On our blog, we will be writing more articles addressing this idea of preparing for conception.

What about you?  Do you have any thoughts on something that you shouldn’t have done in those childbearing years, before you were ready for kids?  How could you have saved your fertility?  We would love to hear from you to continue the discussion.  And come back tomorrow for Part II of What If Birth Control Pills Are Really Anti-Fertility Pills?   Read about Lenore’s own experience with the Pill a/k/a the Anti-Fertility Pill.

Diana Palmentiero is a Certified Wellness Coach and co-founder of Fertility Wellness Group, LLC. Fertility Wellness Group, LLC offers on-line fertility enhancing workshops and private coaching sessions that will help empower women to write about their own fertility struggles, which will lead to positive endings. You can learn more about Diana and Fertility Wellness Group, LLC at www.fertilitywellnessgroup.com.

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