Tag Archive | Roller coaster

Make infertility powerless!

Written by Lenore Pranzo

This week I have been thinking how I need to write more short notes and not stress about writing fantastic, lengthy blogs filled with wonderful insight and epiphanies. With that realization, I thought I would write about my goal for all women on the fertility road. I have always been amazed at how many women are affected by fertility issues. What really amazes me is the endurance and perseverance that women possess on this road. It is rare that one has their hopes up on a regular basis only to be let down, in such a profound way, a few weeks later. However, this roller coaster, with its amazing highs and super lows, is just not normal. Or at least, not normal among the general population.  Is it possible to change that roller coaster into more of a kiddie ride? I think so.

For those who are visual, like me, I tend to look at it like this:

The highs get lower and the lows look harder to turn around. This constant cycle makes the person more vulnerable for depression and sickness. However, what if, in some way a person could change this and make the lows less low and easier to come out of? It could then look something like this:

One would have more power over the situation.  It would allow a person to make decisions easier, and create a sense of power.  One way to do this is change the language used when talking about fertility issues. Instead of “I am infertile” one could say “Infertility is something I am dealing with.” This takes the problem outside of oneself and makes it much easier to deal with.

This is something we, at Fertility Wellness Group LLC, help women with. We use the writing/journaling process to gently guide the participants down a different path. The participants use the writing to get out the issues which have been brought up during the process. Not just the bad, but the good as well. Then they look at their situation differently, leading to goal setting and small life changes. It’s the small changes that make people stronger.  The small changes tend to stick.  The process allows women to realize that they are so much more than women dealing with trying to get and stay pregnant.   This perspective allows for more positive things to come into their lives. That is my wish for all.

Lenore Pranzo is a CT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and co-founder of Fertility Wellness Group, LLC. Fertility Wellness Group, LLC offers on-line fertility enhancing workshops and private coaching sessions that will help empower women to write about their own fertility struggles, which will lead to positive endings. You can learn more about Lenore and Fertility Wellness Group, LLC at http://www.fertilitywellnessgroup.com.